Published articles
Informality and inequality: the African case (2023)
Journal of African Economies, 32(2) - with B. Nilsson and Y. Diallo
Journal of African Economies, 32(2) - with B. Nilsson and Y. Diallo
A strong sustainability approach to development trajectories (2022)
European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, Vol 19 - with A. Godin, O. Lecuyer and S. Leyronas
European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, Vol 19 - with A. Godin, O. Lecuyer and S. Leyronas
Spatial inequality through the prism of a pandemic: Covid-19 in South Africa (2021)
Scientific African, 13 - with M. Shifa and M. Leibbrandt
Scientific African, 13 - with M. Shifa and M. Leibbrandt
Migration and rural development in NENA countries (2021)
Région et Développement, 53 - with Björn Nilsson
Région et Développement, 53 - with Björn Nilsson
Interdisciplinary perspectives on return migration (2020)
Emulations, 34 - with A. Lenoël and A. Maitilasso
Emulations, 34 - with A. Lenoël and A. Maitilasso
The economics of the Syrian refugee crisis in neighboring countries. The case of Lebanon (2020)
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 28(1) - with M.-A. Marouani, C. Nahas and B. Nilsson
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 28(1) - with M.-A. Marouani, C. Nahas and B. Nilsson
Social cohesion in times of forced displacement: the perspective of youth in Jordan (2019)
Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, 3 (2), 320-342 - with J. Kuhnt, R. Rischke and T. Lechtenfeld
Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, 3 (2), 320-342 - with J. Kuhnt, R. Rischke and T. Lechtenfeld
Leaving work behind? The impact of emigration on female labour force participation in Morocco (2019)
International Migration Review, 53(1) - with A. Lenoël
International Migration Review, 53(1) - with A. Lenoël
Back to Square One – Socioeconomic Integration of Deported Migrants (2017)
International Migration Review, 51(1), 127-154.
International Migration Review, 51(1), 127-154.
Migrating out of a crowded labor market: evidence from Egypt (2017)
IZA Journal of Development and Migration - 7:6 - with J. Jarreau
IZA Journal of Development and Migration - 7:6 - with J. Jarreau
Education mismatch and return migration in Egypt and Tunisia (2017)
Space, Populations, Societies - 2017/1 - with C. J. Nordman
Space, Populations, Societies - 2017/1 - with C. J. Nordman
Reintegration upon Return: Insights from Ecuadorians Returnees from Spain (2016)
International Migration - vol. 54(6) - with M. Mercier, R. de Arce and R. Mahia
International Migration - vol. 54(6) - with M. Mercier, R. de Arce and R. Mahia
Migration and Employment Interactions in a Crisis Context: the Case of Tunisia (2015)
Economics of Transition, vol. 23(3) - with M.-A. Marouani
Poverty Reduction and Growth Interactions: What Can Be Learned From the Syrian Experience (2012)
Development Policy Review, vol. 30(6) - with M.-A. Marouani
Economics of Transition, vol. 23(3) - with M.-A. Marouani
Poverty Reduction and Growth Interactions: What Can Be Learned From the Syrian Experience (2012)
Development Policy Review, vol. 30(6) - with M.-A. Marouani
Working papers
- An Analytical Framework to Assess Green Transition Jobs in South Africa (2024) AFD Working Paper Series, N° 334 - with Katherine Davidson, Ariane De Lannoy, Joanna Grotte, Arindam Jana and Murray Leibbrandt
- Migration during Economic Crisis: The Case of Egypt (2024) ERF Working Paper Series, N° 1753 - with Jackie Wahba and Rawane Yasser
- Developing a Youth Labour Market Index for South Africa at the Sub-National Level (2023) AFD Working Paper Series, N°296 - with Gibson Mudiriza, Joanna Grotte, Ariane De Lannoy and Murray Leibbrandt
- A strong sustainability approach to development trajectories (2022) AFD Working Paper Series, N°251 - with Antoine Godin, Stéphanie Leyronas and Oskar Lecuyer
- Analyse des inégalités de revenu au Mali (2021) AFD Working Paper Series, N°221 – with Paul Alkemade, Daniele Checchi, Siaka Cissé, Aminata Coulibaly, Amadou Koné, Teresa Munzi, Gaston Sodio, Arouna Sougané
- Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review (2021) AFD Working Paper Series, N°207 - with Murray Leibbrandt and Rocco Zizzamia
- Spatial Inequality through the Prism of a Pandemic: Covid-19 in South Africa (2020) AFD Working Paper Series, N° 161 - with Muna Shifa and Murray Leibbrandt
- Internal versus International Migration in Egypt: Together or Far Apart (2020) AFD Working Paper Series, N°127 - with Jackie Wahba and Nelly El-Mallakh
- The economics of the Syrian refugee crisis in neighbouring countries - The case of Lebanon (2018) DIAL Working Papers, N° DT/2018-14 - with M.-A. Marouani, C. Nahas and B. Nilsson
- Spatial poverty and inequality in South Africa: A municipality level analysis (2018) AFD Working Paper Series, N° 2018-66 - with N. Guilbert, N. Hamaguchi, Y. Higashi, H. Hino, M. Leibbrandt and M. Shifa
- Social cohesion and inequality in South Africa (2018) AFD Working Paper Series, N° 2018-63 - with N.Guilbert, H. Hino, M. Leibbrandt, E.Potgieter and M. Shifa
- Social cohesion in times of forced displacement – the case of young people in Jordan (2017) Courant Research Centre: Poverty, Equity and Growth-Discussion Papers, N° 243 - with J. Kuhnt, R. Rischke and T. Lechtenfeld.
- Migration patterns and labor market outcomes in Tunisia (2017), DIAL Working Papers Series, N°DT/2017-03 - with M.-A. Marouani
- Does International Migration Help them Marry earlier? A Hazard Model for the Case of Egypt (2016), ERF Working Paper Series, N°1051- with Rana Hendy.
- International emigration and the labour market outcomes of women staying behind - the case of Morocco (2016) Papiers de Recherche AFD, N°2016-23, Mai - with A. Lenoël
- Short and Long-Term Impacts of Emigration on Origin Households: The Case of Egypt (2016) ERF Working Papers Series, N°977 - with J. Jarreau
- Determinants of emigration: Evidence from Egypt (2016) ERF Working Papers Series, N°987 - with J. Jarreau
- Skill Mismatch and Return Migration in Egypt and Tunisia (2014) DIAL Working Papers, N°DT/2014-05 - with Christophe Jalil Nordman
- The Labor Mobility-Employment Nexus: A General Equilibrium Analysis for Jordan (2013) ERF Working Papers Series, N° 824 - with M.-A. Marouani
- The Impact of Labor Mobility on Unemployment: A Comparison between Jordan and Tunisia (2013) ERF Working Papers Series, N° 824 - with M.-A. Marouani
- International Labor Mobility and Employment Interactions in Tunisia (2013) ERF Working Papers Series, N° 804 - with M.-A. Marouani
Books and book chapters
Inequalities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Multidimensional Perspectives and Future Challenges, Africa Development Forum, 2025 - with Murray Leibbrandt, Vimal Ranchhod and Rawane Yasser (coeds)
Les enjeux de la transition juste en Afrique du Sud. In L'économie africaine 2022. Repères Economie, La Découverte, 2022 (with W. Annecke, A. Godin and P. Wolpe)
Internal versus International Migration in Egypt. In Krafft and Assaad (eds) The Egyptian Labor Market - A focus on gender and vulnerability, Oxford University Press, 2021 (with N. Elmallakh and J. Wahba)
La migration africaine. In L'économie africaine 2020. Repères Economie, La Découverte, 2022 (with R. D'Aiglepierre and G. Spielvogel)
Migration to and from Mediterranean Countries. In Mediterra. Migration and Inclusive Rural Development in the Mediterranean, Presses de Sciences Po, 2019
Migration Patterns and Labor Market Outcomes. In Assaad and Boughzala (eds) The Tunisian Labor Market in an Era of Transition, Oxford University Press, 2018 (with M.-A. Marouani).
Les enjeux de la transition juste en Afrique du Sud. In L'économie africaine 2022. Repères Economie, La Découverte, 2022 (with W. Annecke, A. Godin and P. Wolpe)
Internal versus International Migration in Egypt. In Krafft and Assaad (eds) The Egyptian Labor Market - A focus on gender and vulnerability, Oxford University Press, 2021 (with N. Elmallakh and J. Wahba)
La migration africaine. In L'économie africaine 2020. Repères Economie, La Découverte, 2022 (with R. D'Aiglepierre and G. Spielvogel)
Migration to and from Mediterranean Countries. In Mediterra. Migration and Inclusive Rural Development in the Mediterranean, Presses de Sciences Po, 2019
Migration Patterns and Labor Market Outcomes. In Assaad and Boughzala (eds) The Tunisian Labor Market in an Era of Transition, Oxford University Press, 2018 (with M.-A. Marouani).
Various publications
- Global Trends in Immigration to OECD Countries from 2000/01 to 2020/21 (2024) Migration Data Brief, No. 14 - with Jean-Christophe Dumont, Taehoon Lee and Guénolé Oudry
- A Global Profile of Emigrants to OECD Countries: Younger and More Skilled Migrants from More Diverse Countries (2020) OECD Publishing, No. 239 - with Rohen d’Aiglepierre, Charlotte Levionnois, Gilles Spielvogel, Michele Tuccio and Erik Vickstrom
- Inequality Trends Report: A multidimensional diagnostic of inequality in South Africa (2019) StatsSA Publishing.
- Réduire les inégalités. Propositions d’agenda pour la coopération internationale, AFD Policy Paper n° 1.
- Are the characteristics and scope of African migration outside of the continent changing? (2019) OECD Migration Data Brief n°5, June 2019
- The new immigrants: Global trends in migration towards OECD countries (2019) OECD Migration Data Brief n°4, June 2019
- Commentaires sur « Migration et développement : les externalités de la diaspora » (2017) Revue d'économie du développement, 25(1), 63-68.
- A Descriptive Analysis of Immigration to and Emigration from the EU: Where Does the EU Stand within OECD? (2016) OECD Publishing, No. 184 - with J.-N. Senne
- The Impact of Emigration on MENA Labor Markets (2016) ERF Policy Brief N° 21 - with M.-A. Marouani
- Intégration dans le monde arabe – quel rôle pour la mobilité du travail ? (2014) DIALOGUE, nº 39 - with M.-A. Marouani
- Indonesia Climate Change Program Loan (ICCPL) (2014), Joint Evaluation, AFD - JICA - with M. Raffinot
- Cartographie des prêts budgétaires climat de l’AFD (2012), Ex post – Evaluation et Capitalisation, n°47, Mai - with M. Raffinot et C. Corbier-Barthaux
- Getting the Just Transition to work for everyone isn’t easy, but it can be done, February 2023
- Tackling inequality will break the gridlock on what to do about climate change, March 2022
- Afrique du Sud : une « transition juste » est-elle possible dans une société profondément inégalitaire ?, February 2022
- Tackling sub-Saharan Africa's escalating poverty after the pandemic, February 2022
- Les transferts des migrants: une solution de financement face à la crise, July 2021
- Perception and inequalities: how does bias contribute to reality?, June 2021
- Inequality through the prism of the pandemic, June 2021
- Afrique : « Pas de monde d’après sans soutien de la jeunesse », April 2021
- Le COVID-19, un virus vecteur d’inégalités November 2020
- COVID-19 : La crise sanitaire creuse les inégalités tous azimuts May 2020
- South Africa faces enormous challenges November 2019
- Economie informelle: cinq mythes à déconstruire à travers le monde June 2019
- Pourquoi faut-il relier migration et éducation? May 2019
- Inégalités face au changement climatique: la balle est dans le camp des plus riches May 2019
- Podcast "L'arbre et la pomme" - Pourquoi faut-il réduire les inégalités? February 2019
- L'aide au développement: quelle influence sur les phénomènes migratoires? December 2018
- Les classes moyennes africaines émergent mais sont vulnérables December 2017
Special issues
Journal of Demographic Economics N°87 - 3 - 2021 - Climate Migration - with Frédéric Docquier
Emulations N°34 - 2020 - Transnationalizing return. Toward new directions in research on contemporary return migrations - with Audrey Lenoël and Annalisa Maitilasso
Revue d'économie du développement 2019/2 - Vol. 27 - Special Issue of the conference "Inequality and social cohesion" - with Daniele Checchi
Work in progress
Growth, poverty and inequality - with Murray Leibbrandt (UCT)